BBP are recognized as the leading UK manufacturer of reusable drinking glasses. They have a large range of styles & sizes and continually expand their range in order to fulfill our customer’s requirements.
Crystal polystyrene shot glass.
A reusable clear Polystyrene Wine Glass that stacks for easier storage. CA marked at 120ml, 175ml & 250ml.
Virtually unbreakable irish coffee mug
Virtually unbreakable Martini Polycarbonate Glass
A unique style of virtually unbreakable wine glass with a 3 pronged stem to enable outdoor users to push the glass into the ground to prevent spillages.
Polycarbonate Reusable Wine Glass 11oz, perfect for outdoor events, swimming pools and spas.
©Stevron 2023
Stevron - Now Trading as Freemans Industrial Supplies Limited Shaw Road, Woodend Avenue, Speke. Liverpool, L24 9WF
Tel: 0151 298 1492
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